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As a division of the Southlake Regional Health Centre’s Regional Cardiac Care, the Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Program is committed to delivering comprehensive, high quality rehabilitation services that meet the individual needs of our participants.

Over 10,000 people from our community turn to Southlake for advanced cardiac care every year. The Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation program aims to educate and mobilize these individuals with the skills, tools and confidence necessary to reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke. Those at risk for a cardiac incident who complete a cardiovascular rehabilitation program may decrease the likelihood of life-threatening consequences by as much as 50%!

With a fundraising goal of $50,000, participants will be supporting the highest priority needs of the Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Program, including program development initiatives, purchasing new equipment and providing accessible patient education.

The event is organized by Southlake’s very own staff and supported by our wonderful volunteers of the Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Program at Southlake.


Thank you.

We are extremely grateful for your kindness and generosity. Together, we can continue to support Southlake Regional Health Centre and our community members with Leading edge care. By your side.