Thank you for your generous Giving Tuesday monthly gift!

Your ongoing commitment to Southlake will help ensure that your family, friends and neighbours have access to leading edge emergency care, close to home.

Please complete the form below to initiate your monthly, tax-deductible donation now.

Are you looking to make a corporate donation? If so, click here.

If you have any questions about your gift, please contact Southlake Foundation at 905-836-7333 or

Monthly image
Field Is Required Select Gift Amount:
*Please Note: If you selected ‘other’ rather than one of the Hospital’s identified priorities we may need to contact you to ensure that your donation can be put to work as quickly as possible in the area of the hospital you wish to support.

Donor/Receipt Information

Southlake Foundation is dependent upon the generous support of donors and volunteers to fulfill its mission. We collect your personal information to process your donation, issue a tax receipt, and to demonstrate the impact of your gift at work. Your personal information will not be sold or traded with other organizations. For more information about our privacy practices, view our Privacy Policy or contact us at